Sharing the joy of hearing —one hearing aid at a time

HearAid Foundation aims to help others experience the world of hearing by donating hearing aids and fitting services. Our fully donor-funded nonprofit is eager to connect with those experiencing hearing loss who do not have the financial means to pay for a hearing aid.

Our mission is to help more people live with the gift of hearing

One of the greatest barriers for those struggling to get hearing care is their financial needs. With the average hearing aid costing anywhere from $1K-$6K, many people in the United States cannot afford one — especially if they do not have health insurance.

That’s why HearAid Foundation focuses on providing hearing aids and their accompanying care to those who are struggling financially. By helping those who experience hearing difficulties get the resources they need, we can begin to close this gap and help more people experience the benefits of hearing.

Our impact continues to grow with donor support

One of the greatest barriers for those struggling to get hearing care is their financial needs. With the average hearing aid costing anywhere from $1K-$6K, many people in the United States cannot afford one — especially if they do not have health insurance.

That’s why HearAid Foundation focuses on providing hearing aids and their accompanying care to those who are struggling financially. By helping those who experience hearing difficulties get the resources they need, we can begin to close this gap and help more people experience the benefits of hearing.

Our Team

HearAid Foundation is an all-volunteer organization driven by passionate professionals who willingly donate their time, expertise, and connections with the goal of changing peoples’ lives. Our board members work toward a vision of building a widespread community of service providers who can identify and serve people in their communities with HearAid-provided hearing aids and services.

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